Courses for Business

Why language courses for business are useful?

Specialised language courses for business are recommended for specialists in various areas that seek to improve communication in foreign language skills related to the topics of their work activity, expand professional (business, medicine, technical) vocabulary, and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge. During such sessions, our teachers will pay special attention to the development of all linguistic skills (reading, speaking, listening, and learning) and will do so in your company, office environment, our spaces, or any other place that is comfortable for you.


During these sessions:

– you will actively work in pairs and/or in small groups;

– you will discuss, and speak about the specialised topics relevant to you;

– you will improve your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills;

– you will perform tasks helping to master new learning material.


The recommended duration of the courses is 60 academic hours (possible to alter based on the client’s request); intensity is 2 times per week 2 academic hours each. 

Requisites | Rekvizitai

UAB „Bella Verba“

Company Code | Įmonės kodas: 302614765


Vytauto pr. 27-202, Kaunas, LT-44352

+37065569981 | +37065558185

B/A | A/S: LT77 7044 0600 0774 4259


Bank Code | Banko kodas: 70440

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