Individual Sessions

Who the individual sessions are for?

You are a busy person, constantly in a rush, and it would be useful to learn a foreign language or improve the knowledge that you already possess, but you think that you do not have enough time for that?

We can assure you that it is not true. Individual sessions provide an opportunity for you to select the most suitable time of the lesson, intensity, duration, or learning material (the time and intensity of the sessions are coordinated according to the client’s request).

Why it would be worth selecting an individual session?

During such sessions, the teacher’s full attention is paid to communication with you; therefore, the intensity of the lesson and the learning programme, designed specifically for you will allow for achieving obvious results.

During the individual sessions, you will:

– learn how to communicate freely in various real-life situations;

– deepen your specialised knowledge (based on demand);

– learn how to read, understand, interpret texts of various genre;

– expand your vocabulary;

– learn grammar;

– perform individualised homework that consolidates the learned knowledge.

Requisites | Rekvizitai

UAB „Bella Verba“

Company Code | Įmonės kodas: 302614765


Vytauto pr. 27-202, Kaunas, LT-44352

+37065569981 | +37065558185

B/A | A/S: LT77 7044 0600 0774 4259


Bank Code | Banko kodas: 70440

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